Brest, France

For two weeks we lived in the blissful countryside in Brittany.  Our friends, Fabrice and Shane (together with their beautiful baby Darrah), have bought a ruined collection of farm buildings called Reundrez, about 30km outside of Brest and have made it their project to build the place into a home.  img_1957s.jpgShane’s dad, Gavin (a carpenter from way back) and a hippie friend Arun had turned up for the summer months to build the frame and roof of the farmhouse. 









We turned up just in time to help with the roof.


And what a fantastic time we had!  Miraculously, (and luckily since we were camping in the field) it was clear blue skies almost every day.



We worked outside in the sunshine hammering, sawing and mixing concrete during the day and then at night sat around a bonfire eating sausages, one of Shane’s magnificent vegie dishes or Fabrice’s famous crepes and drinking homemade cider.


img_1937s.jpgShane had warned us that it was a bit like paradise and that we wouldn’t want to leave….and she was right.   

When I got a contract (way quicker than last time I was looking) it was a very sad feeling to have to leave Chateau Reundrez.



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